Space Trader: Quests, Data Persistence, Debugging
Feb 25, 2018

Quests and Special Events

As the player travels the galaxy, he occasionally sees a button called “Special”, which enables him to begin a quest. Quests typically involve long journeys, wild goose chases, encounters with special opponents, and people to take home. Implementing quests was a complicated manner, because quests involve a great deal of functionality spread out through the game.

The basic implementation was simple enough. A specialEventID could be assigned to a system in the galaxy, causing the “Special” button to appear and load a view controller, SpecialVC, that displayed the appropriate text and button text based on the specialEventID. When the player accepted the quest, the information was logged to the specialEvent class inside player. This way data could be stored and counters implemented, causing further events as the quest progressed. Immediate actions—adding crewmembers or equipment to the player’s ship, or placing subsequent specialEvents, could be done directly from the SpecialVC.

The main difficulty came in implementing a number of notifications, interactions, and alerts that happened through the game—for instance, when the player gets a tribble infestation, tribbles have to eat the food he’s carrying, cause his ship to be devalued at the spaceport, cause him to receive fine warnings from the spaceport inspector, and die of radiation poisoning if he’s also taking on the unstable reactor quest. Unfortunately, all of these had to be manually coded throughout the game, an effortful process that scattered quest-related material through the codebase and made maintenance difficult.

Data Persistance

Save game functionality, both available from the menu and as the autosave used when the player leaves the game, presented an additional challenge. After exploring CoreData, I opted to use NSCoding encode and decode methods on each class. Ultimately, a game can be wrapped up by encoding the Commander and Galaxy classes, which enclose all others. Both deliberately and autosaved games are stored in a global array. AppDelegate handles the loading and unloading of these arrays from a plist, on applicationWillResignActive() and applicationWillBecomeActive(). High scores, which are also stored in a global array, are stored and loaded in the same manner.


Launching Space Trader immediately brought to light a host of things wrong with it. In addition to a number of untied ends, easy enough to patch up, there were a number of problems pertaining to scrollView controllers on phones with 4″ screens.

By far the most vexing bug, however, was one that caused increasing lags during the encounter sequence, and particularly at the end of it. It seemed to happen only intermittently, but odds of it happening seemed to increase the longer you played, in effect targeting people who were actually getting into the game. When it got bad enough, it crashed the app, losing the user’s game. I received a number of complaints about this, and spent a good deal of time figuring it out. The problem turned out to be related to the conclusion of the encounter sequence. Instead of dismissing the WarpViewVC to return to the tabView, the app instead fired a segue to it, effectively putting another copy of it on top of WarpViewVC. The stack grew ever higher as the app continued to run. Dismissing WarpViewVC, instead of firing the segue, solved the problem.